
The Forms app is where you can create and manage forms on the website.

You can

  • setup how a form will be handled when it's submitted
  • view form submissions
  • setup form fields
  • create form templates

You can display a form on a page one of two ways.

  1. Setup the form and optionally the form fields in the Forms app. On the page that you want the form to display on you would build the HTML for the form.  You would include the special apFormKey hidden form field so that the system knows how to handle the form.
  2. Create the form in the Forms app and create one or more Form Templates.  Then put the Form API tag on the page that you want the form to display on. (Recommended)

You can find the Form API tag and the apFormKey tag under the Form Details tab when viewing a form.

{{ _api.navigation.get.key('apps').parentId('67').showSubNav('all') }}