Members App Templates

Each page within the members app has its own template to display that page's content.

Where to save template files

Template files will go in a folder that has the same name as the app instance key. For example, if the members' app instance key is "members" then you would put all of your template files within the members folder inside the templates folder.

If your theme was called "Custom" then this would be an example folder structure:

  • themes
    • custom
      • theme.json
      • templates
        • home.twig
        • one-column.twig
        • two-column.twig
        • members
          • account.twig
          • account-login.twig
          • account-password-reset.twig
          • account-register.twig
          • account-renew.twig
          • category.twig
          • categories.twig
          • edit-profile.twig
          • home.twig
          • profile.twig
          • profiles.twig
          • search.twig
          • search-results.twig
          • tag.twig
          • tags.twig

General pages and their templates

Below is the list of app pages and the name of the template file that you should create.

Members home

The app home page often shows the profiles, categories, and tags.

Template name: home.twig

Categories list

This page shows the list of categories.

Template name: categories.twig

Category detail

This page shows the detail information for an individual category. The profiles assigned to the category are often shown.

Template name: category.twig

Profiles list

The profiles list page is usually a continuation of the paginated list of profiles from the members app home page.

Template name: profiles.twig

Profile detail

The profile detail page shows the information for an individual member profile.

Template name: profile.twig


The search page can be used to show the search form to search member profiles.

Template name: search.twig

Search results

The search results page can show the results of a member profile search. It can show a paginated list of matching profiles.

Template name: search-results.twig

Tags list

This page shows the list of tags.

Template name: tags.twig

Tag detail

This page shows the detail information for an individual tag. The profiles assigned to the tag are often shown.

Template name: tag.twig

Account pages

Public users can log into the website to manage their member profiles. Below is the list of account-specific members app pages.

Log in

This is where they will log into their account. 

Template: account-login.twig

Account details

This page is the landing page for the account. It's where they go when they log in if they weren't coming from a password-protected page or another page that requires a login. If they were coming from a password protected page or another page that requires a login, then they would be redirected back to that page.

Template: account.twig

Edit profile

This is a public page to allow members to edit their member profile.

Template: edit-profile.twig

Password reset

This page allows the account holder to request a password reset if they have trouble logging in.

Template: account-password-reset.twig


Shows a form to allow new account holders to register themselves. 

Template: account-register.twig