
To create a table in the rich text editor, click the Table toolbar item.

You can also right click with your mouse where you want the table to go. A context menu will show with an option to insert a table. (Note, if you turned off the Show the editor context menu on "right mouse click" field under the Editor Settings then the editor context menu will not show.)


To create a table, hover over the Insert table item and select the dimensions of the table using the provided grid.

Insert Table

Once you have added your table you can populate your content or you can further configure the table.  

General Configuration Options

There are a few different ways that you can configure the table.

1) If you click your mouse anywhere within the table a small context menu will show below the table.

2) You can right click your mouse in any cell to get a context menu that shows different table configuration options.

3) Under the Table toolbar item is a number of different configuration options for the table. They are similar to what’s in the context menu if you right clicked in the table.

We will use this option for most of the table configuration instructions below.

Table Properties

To configure the table as a whole first click within the table. Then click the Table toolbar item and then click Table properties.

This will bring up the Table properties window. Here you can set different properties for the table.


Width let’s you specify the width of the table.


Height let’s you specify the height of the table. Generally it’s best to leave this empty and let the content dictate the height.

Cell spacing

Cell spacing let’s you specify the value for the cellspacing table tag attribute.

Cell padding

Cell padding lets you specify the value for the cellpadding table tag attribute.


Border lets you specify a table border width.


Alignment let’s you specify whether to align the table left, right, center or not aligned (default).


If you have set up one or more Table Classes under Editor Settings then you will also see the Class field. You can pick a table class to apply to the table. This will set the class table tag attribute value.

Advanced Tab

Under the Advanced tab you can specify custom styles for the table tag as well as the border and background styles.

Note that best practices are to configure styles for your tables within the stylesheets for your website instead of configuring them for a single table.


The Style field will show any styles set by other table property fields. You can also enter your own custom CSS styles.

Border color

You can specify a specific hex color to use for the table border. Or you can click the gray box next to the field to pick a color.

Background color

You can specify a specific hex color to use for the table background. Or you can click the gray box next to the field to pick a color.

Delete Table

To delete your table first click anywhere inside the table and then press the Delete table button in the Table dropdown menu.


First click within the cell that you want to edit or highlight more than one table cell. Under the Table menu hover over the Cell item.

The cell properties button will open a pop up menu that allows you to edit various properties of your table’s cells.

See the Table Cell Properties section below for more information.

Merge Cells

To merge cells, highlight the cells you wish to merge. Then, drop down the Table menu and hover the Cells item and then click the Merge cells button to merge the cells. 

Split Cell

To split a cell select the cell you wish to split and open the Table menu. Hover the Cells item and then click on the Split cell button.

Table Cell Properties

To set the properties of a table cell first click anywhere within that cell. Then click the Table toolbar button, hover over the Cell item and then click on Cell properties

You can apply the same properties to multiple table cells by highlighting multiple table cells first instead of simply clicking within one.

This will bring up the Cell Properties window. Here you can set different properties for the table cell and the data within it.


Width let’s you specify the width of the table cell.


Height let’s you specify the height of the table cell. Generally it’s best to leave this empty and let the content dictate the height.

Cell type

The Cell type menu sets the element to be a regular table cell or a heading cell (<td> or <th>).


The Scope defines a way to associate header cells and data cells in a table. Note that it’s not supported in HTML5.

Horizontal Align

The H Align field lets you specify the horizontal alignment of the content within the cell.

Vertical Align

The V Align field lets you specify the vertical alignment of the content within the cell.


If you have set up one or more Table Cell Classes under Editor Settings then you will also see the Class field. You can pick a class to apply to the table cell. This will set the class table cell tag attribute value.

Advanced Tab 

Under the Advanced tab you can specify custom styles for the table cell tag as well as the border and background styles.

Note that best practices are to configure styles for your table cells within the stylesheets for your website instead of configuring them for a single table cell.


The Style field will show any styles set by other table cell property fields. You can also enter your own custom CSS styles.

Border color

You can specify a specific hex color to use for the table cell border. Or you can click the gray box next to the field to pick a color.

Background color

You can specify a specific hex color to use for the table cell background. Or you can click the gray box next to the field to pick a color.


To work with rows click the Table menu and highlight the Row button.

Insert Row Before  

To insert a row before a row select the row you want added to and press the Insert row before button.

Insert Row After 

To insert a row after a row select the row you want added to and press the Insert row after button.

Delete Row  

To delete a row select the row you want deleted and press the Delete row button.

Row Properties  

To edit the row properties select the row you want edited (or click anywhere within a cell in that row) and click the Row properties button.

Row type

The Row type field sets whether the row is part of the table body, is a table header row or is a table footer row.


The Alignment field sets the alignment of the content within the row.


The Height field let’s you specify a specific pixel height of the row. It’s recommended to leave this field blank unless you have a good reason to specify a row height.


If you have set up one or more Table Row Classes under Editor Settings then you will also see the Class field. You can pick a class to apply to the table cell. This will set the class table row tag attribute value.

Advanced Tab

Under the Advanced tab you can specify custom styles for the table row tag as well as the border and background styles.

Note that best practices are to configure styles for your table rows within the stylesheets for your website instead of configuring them for a single table row.


The Style field will show any styles set by other table row property fields. You can also enter your own custom CSS styles.

Border color

You can specify a specific hex color to use for the table row border. Or you can click the gray box next to the field to pick a color.

Background color

You can specify a specific hex color to use for the table row background. Or you can click the gray box next to the field to pick a color.

Cut Row

To cut a row select the row you want cut and press the Cut row button. You can then paste the row somewhere else in the table.

Copy Row

To copy a row select the row you want copied and press the Copy row button. You can then paste the row somewhere else in the table.

Paste Row Before 

To paste a row before another select the row you want to past before and press the Paste row before button.  You must copy or cut the row first.

Paste row before

Paste Row After 

To paste a row after another select the row you want to insert after and press the Paste row after button. You must copy or cut a row first.

Paste row after


To open the column tab, open the Table dropdown menu and highlight Column.

Insert Column Before  

To insert a column before another column select the column that you want to insert before to and press the Insert column before button.

Insert Column After  

To insert a column after another column select the column that you want to insert after to and press the Insert column after button.

Delete Column

To delete a column select the column you want deleted and press the Delete column button.