API Navigation Items

A navigation item can include content from an app by using an app API as the item content. For example, you could automatically include store category links in your navigation sidebar by setting the Item Type field to "API" when adding a new navigation item. You could then enter the store category filter API tag in the API call field.

The API tag would be just like the API tag that you would use to show categories on a page. The difference between using an app API tag on a page and using it as a navigation item is how the API template is set up.

API Template

The goal of the API template is to return data in a format that could be used to build navigation items. The navigation system needs the data returned back in a specific format. Below is a very simple example of displaying store categories.

{% for category in categories %}
    {% set item = {
        url: category.url,
        linkText: category.categoryName
    } %}
    {% if category.subCategories %}
        {% set item.subs = [] %}
        {% for sub in category.subCategories %}
            {% set subItem = {
                url: sub.url,
                linkText: sub.categoryName
            } %}
            {% set item.subs = item.subs|merge([subItem]) %}
        {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
    {% do set_api_navigation_item(item) %}
{% endfor %}

Essentially what is going on above is that we're building an object to hold the navigation item data.

In this example, we're also setting up some sub navigation by storing sub categories as an array in {item.subs }}.

Once all of the values have been set for an item in the {item }} variable (you could actually use any variable name that you want), the {item }} object gets added to the navigation item data through this line of code:

{% do set_api_navigation_item(item) %}

Navigation item values

Below is a full list of the values that can be set for each navigation item. The "Key" is the object key name. For example, to set the value for the URL you would do:

{% set item.url = category.url }}

At a minimum you need to set the following values:

  • url
  • linkText
Key Description

Only applies if an image is being used to display the navigation item instead of plain text.

The image path to use if the navigation item is the current navigation item.


The value to use if the link is an anchor link.


An array of miscellaneous information that can be passed to the navigation template for an individual navigation item.


The "class" attribute value for the link tag.


The "id" attribute value for the link tag.


Only applies if an image is being used to display the navigation item instead of plain text.

The image path to use if the navigation item is not the current navigation item or a current parent navigation item.


The email address to use if the link is an email link.


The email body if the link is an email link.


The email subject if the link is an email link.


Only applies if an image is being used to display the navigation item instead of plain text.

The image path to use when hovering the navigation item.


Only applies if an image is being used to display the navigation item instead of plain text.

The value for the "alt" attribute on the image tag.


Only applies if an image is being used to display the navigation item instead of plain text.

The value for the "border" attribute on the image tag.


Only applies if an image is being used to display the navigation item instead of plain text.

The value for the "class" attribute on the image tag.


Only applies if an image is being used to display the navigation item instead of plain text.

The value for the "id" attribute on the image tag.


Only applies if an image is being used to display the navigation item instead of plain text.

The value for the "name" attribute on the image tag.


Only applies if an image is being used to display the navigation item instead of plain text.

The value for the "title" attribute on the image tag.


Only applies if an image is being used to display the navigation item instead of plain text.

The value for the "usemap" attribute on the image tag.


The "accesskey" attribute value for the link tag.


The "rel" attribute value for the link.


The text for the link.


Whether or not the link text is HTML.
Accepted values are "true" and "false".


The "tabindex" attribute value for the link.


The "target" attribute value for the link tag.


The "onclick" attribute value for the link tag.


The "ondblclick" attribute value for the link tag.


The "onkeydown" attribute value for the link tag.


The "onkeypress" attribute value for the link tag.


The "onkeyup" attribute value for the link tag.


The "onmousedown" attribute value for the link tag.


The "onmousemove" attribute value for the link tag.


The "onmouseout" attribute value for the link tag.


The "onmouseover" attribute value for the link tag.


The "onmouseup" attribute value for the link tag.


Only applies if an image is being used to display the navigation item instead of plain text.

The image path to use if the navigation item is the current navigation item.


Whether or not the navigation item should be shown if an account holder is logged in. It could also be hidden if an account holder is logged in. 

Accepted values are: alwaysloggedIn and loggedOut.

Defaults to always.


The URL for the link.