Geolocation Variables

The geolocation variables give access to some basic location data based on the visitor's IP address. 

The values are only available if the geolocation feature is enabled under Settings -> Locations/Geolocation -> IP Geolocation.

This data is often used to display different information to the website visitor based on their IP address.

Please keep in mind, however, that the IP address location may not be the visitor's actual location.  The IP address may be their internet service provider (ISP) and be based on the location of that ISP. It's best to use this information for approximate locations.

The following values are available:

Variable Description

Holds the name of the city that the IP address is associated with.

{{ }}


Holds whether the two-character name for the country. Examples:

  • FR
  • US
  • CA
  • AR

{{ _core.geo.countryCode }}

Holds whether the full country name.

{{ }}


Holds whether the name of the county within the state/province.

{{ _core.geo.county }}


Holds a boolean value on if the geolocation feature is enabled

{% if _core.geo.isEnabled %}
<p>Use geo location values.</p>
<p>My state: {{ _core.geo.region }}</p>
{% endif %}


Holds the latitude value for the IP address.

{{ _core.geo.latitude }}


Holds the longitude value for the IP address.

{{ _core.geo.longitude }}


Holds the name of the region that the IP address is in. 

{{ _core.geo.region }}

Holds the two-character name of the region that the IP address is in. 

{{ _core.geo.regionCode }}